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Feature article July 25, 2018:


Breakthrough Technologies on 2 Fronts Poised to Propel MGX Minerals Valuation

Lithium Industry: New advanced brine processing technology proprietary to MGX Minerals Inc. solves the problem of magnesium in brine, able to deal with very complex/dirty brines, opening up a whole new world of large lithium resource projects.


Low-Cost Mass Energy Storage Zinc-Air Battery: MGX's innovative regenerative zinc-air flow battery technology is immune to the growth of zinc dendrites which have traditionally plagued zinc-air flow batteries, and the Company has begun commercial development for the mass production of its scalable 20kWh capacity zinc-air mass storage battery.



MGX Minerals Inc.



Share data, Capitalization, & Corporate info


 Shares Outstanding:  ~119 million

 (post June-2018 oversubscribed $15.5M financing)

 Fully Diluted:  ~155M

 Recently Traded: ~CDN$90/share (CSE: XMG) (OTCQB: MGXMF)

 52 Week High/Low: $1.96/ 0.75

 Current Market Capitalization: ~$107 million Canadian


 Corporate Website:


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Click to view article

MGX Minerals featured in Financial Post & Bloomberg for solution as "340 Billion Gallons of Sludge Spur Environmental Fears in Canada" -- Alberta's tailings ponds cover about 97 square miles and hold enough waste to fill more than half a million Olympic-size swimming pools.



Valuation Commentary: MGX Minerals Inc. (CSE: XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB: MGXMF) is a Canadian-based mining and clean technology processing company focused on accelerating emerging energy and energy commodity technologies that disrupt the status quo. So impressive is MGX Mineral's rapid lithium extraction technology the Company is the winner of the prestigious 2018 S&P Global Platts Metals Leadership Award -Base & Specialty Metals. The Company is multi-faceted, advancing several projects with potential to increase shareholder value;


1) Lithium Brine Processing Technology: The Company's flagship is its focus on commercializing new brine processing technology that gives the Company a significant advantage in the marketplace having solved the problem of magnesium (Mg) in lithium (Li) laden brine, able to deal with very complex/dirty brines. Up until now rich complex Li brine projects with high Mg:Li ratios have been passed over as technology did not exist to economically separate the two. MGX's proprietary/patented technology now positions scores of complex lithium brine projects (previously untouchable) across the globe ripe for production, with better economics than solar evaporation. MGX Minerals Inc. is also positioned technology-wise to commercially exploit the mineral rich brine that is a residual by product of geothermal power generation. MGX is looking to bring its first integrated wastewater treatment and lithium recovery system online shortly with a major oil and gas operator in Alberta. A second scheduled deployment of three systems will treat evaporator blowdown wastewater (“EBD”) for a consortium, of the 3 systems the 3rd is a larger-scale version (35 m3/h) of the first and is intended for deployment to treat one-through steam generator (“OTSG”) boiler blowdown (see related May 16, 2018  press release "MGX Minerals and Engineering Partner PurLucid Nearing Commissioning of Oilfield Lithium Recovery and Wastewater Treatment Systems").

Video: MGX's Mass Energy Storage Zinc-Air Battery Solutions (2 min.15 sec.)


2) Low-Cost Mass Energy Storage Zinc-Air Battery: MGX Minerals is quickly positioning itself as a leader in mass energy storage solutions with tech that is cost-effective, easily scalable, and eliminates all short-term energy downtime. The Company has announced its intent to spin-out this division into a standalone publicly traded entity and issue a dividend to each of MGX Minerals Inc. shareholders of record (record date June 29, 2018). MGX is advancing innovative modular energy storage batteries through proprietary (100%-owned) patented zinc-air technology through its wholly owned subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions Inc., a private company acquired from the mining giant Teck Resources in December 2017. Think Tesla's Powerwall and Powerpack but without lithium, powerful, quick charging, and low cost; this innovative regenerative zinc-air flow battery technology is designed for energy storage in the 5 kW to 1 MW range for extended periods of time. The tech allows for low cost mass storage of energy, and can be deployed into a wide range of applications, including utility-scale storage and power grid load stabilization, long term backup power for industrial, commercial, and military facilities, remote location off grid and micro grid applications, and diesel generator replacement or hybridization. Since the ZincNyx system uses zinc dendrites as fuel and consumes them as part of its normal operation, it is immune to the growth of zinc dendrites which have traditionally plagued zinc-air flow batteries (see related Jan. 9, 2018 news "MGX Minerals Announces Major Advancement in Mass Storage Battery Technology; Solves Zinc Dendrite Formation Limitation") -- A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH WHICH PAVES A PATHWAY TO NEAR-TERM COMMERCIALIZATION;

Breaking News (June 28, 2018): MGX Minerals Announces Manufacturing Underway of Zinc-Air Battery Components; ZincNyx has completed the design for manufacturing of its core regenerator and fuel cell modules. Since both modules are constructed from a number of identical cells, they constitute ideal candidates for manufacture by volume production methods such as injection molding, die casting and extrusion. These methods require stringent design rules to be followed to ensure efficient and reliable parts production. ZincNyx has now completed this process for the highest volume parts with the active participation of its chosen suppliers. ZincNyx expects to start receiving parts based on these designs within the next 4 to 6 weeks.This advance demonstrates that the ZincNyx system can be manufactured using conventional production processes, said ZincNyx President and CEO Suresh Singh. The design can be transferred to almost any location world-wide without the need to build expensive custom factories. The regenerator and fuel cell parts form the nucleus of ZincNyx’s next generation system which will provide four times the capacity of earlier models. The expanded range of this system addresses the need for long duration energy storage when coupled with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The system may be housed in a shipping container for deployment at remote locations or may be installed in free standing racks in a warehouse-type environment.


MGX Minerals is targeting mid-2019 for large scale manufacturing of its ZincNyx Fuel Cell Battery. The ZincNyx mission is to provide the lowest cost, longest duration and most reliable energy storage system for markets involving renewables firming, peak shaving, diesel generator replacement, telecom facility back-up, electrification of ferries and tug boats and electric vehicle charging support. With a portfolio of 20 granted patents and an experienced management team, ZincNyx is now ready to start commercialization of the product.


Unlike conventional batteries, which have a fixed energy/power ratio, ZincNyx’s technology uses a fuel tank system that offers flexible energy/power ratios and scalability.  The storage capacity is directly tied to the size of the fuel tank and quantity of charged zinc fuel making scalability a major advantage of the flow battery system.  In addition, further major advantage of the zinc-air flow battery is the ability to charge and discharge simultaneously and at different maximum charge or discharge rates as each of the charge and discharge circuits is separate and independent.  Other types of standard and flow batteries are limited to a maximum charge and discharge by the total number of cells as there is no separation of the charge, discharge and size of the fuel storage system (see overview of MGX Minerals' modular energy storage zinc-air battery further below).


On April 18, 2018 MGX Minerals' subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions entered into a Partnership Agreement with Digital Energy Corporation to deploy Zinc-Air Fuel Cell Technology in New York City. ZincNyx President and CEO Suresh Singh. Digital’s years of experience with system integration and energy generation will greatly enhance our ability to deploy energy storage solutions throughout the United States. The project will demonstrate ZincNyx’s patented zinc-air flow-battery technology in combination with an onsite co-generation plant to reduce cost and increase revenue through multiple value streams, including peak shaving, demand response and economic dispatch. The ZincNyx flow battery chosen for this project employs a unique zinc-air chemistry that is safe for use in densely populated areas. The project will identify the operational and regulatory requirements to be satisfied for deployment in the state of New York. Digital’s choice, amongst many high capacity batteries, is the zinc-air system that has long been recognized as highly advantageous due to its inherent safety, high energy density and abundance of its raw materials. The other unique advantages of the ZincNyx system, such as the ability to simultaneously charge and discharge, flexibility to optimize power and energy needs, low cost of energy for long durations and modularity, further simplified the decision.


A key difference between the Tesla Powerwall versus MGX's ZincNyx Fuel Cell Battery is the ZincNyx storage capacity is much larger; in order to increase storage simply increase the size of the fuel tank and add more fuel (zinc in this case). To increase storage of a Tesla battery you have to add both output and storage capacity. This decoupling of output power and storage is key and makes the ZincNyx system much cheaper in terms of storage capacity. On May 14, 2018 the Company announced ZincNyx has quadrupled the output capacity of its zinc fuel cell modules/stacks.


3) Industrial Minerals Project, in Invermere, BC, Canada: The Driftwood Property contains a valuable magnesium deposit, a major asset of the Company. On March 6, 2018 MGX announced a Positive PEA for its Driftwood Creek Magnesium; Pre-Tax NPV of C$529.8 Million and 24.5% IRR. Assuming a sales price of $779 ($600 USD) per tonne for Dead Burn Magnesium (DBM) oxide with All-in Sustaining Production Costs at $351/t, the PEA calculates an impressive Pre-Tax NPV (at 5%) of nearly $530 million, resulting in a very respectable IRR of 24.5% with a quick 3.5 year paypack period. With a processing capacity of 1,200 t/day, the annual production is estimated at 169,700 t of magnesium oxide (MgO). During the 19 year mine life, the payable metal production totals around 3.1 million t of MgO, which translates into around $1.1 billion of Pre-Tax Cash Flows (on average $72.6 million of Pre-Tax Cash Flow per year).

These robust numbers are realizable for just $236 million of initial capital costs and would make MGX a rare breed of low-cost producers globally enjoying high operational margins in a safe and stable jurisdiction. Total LOM ("Life Of Mine") capital expenditures amount to only $240 million and include $3.9 million for closure costs and a contingency of $40 million. The highly lucrative and robust PEA is based on a high-grade (43% MgO) and large (7.8 million t) mineable resource at surface, resulting in high recoveries (90% on average) with conventional processing (crushing, grinding, flotation upgrading, calcination, and sintering to produce a saleable DBM product). The DBM product will be bagged and transported to market for sale as a powder with a purity of 94.6% MgO. The quarry-style mine would benefit greatly of not being located within a known environmental protection area. On July 9, 2018 MGX Minerals announced it has engaged Hatch Ltd. for Pre-Feasibility Study Analysis and reported regional exploration results, the engagement of Hatch at Driftwood Creek is expected to further increase the economics of the project.


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Also of Note:

MGX Minerals demonstrates ability to produce high-grade vanadium concentrate from Fort McMurray Alberta oil sands petcoke waste, among others; see related July 12, 2018 Company news release "MGX Minerals and Engineering Partner Highbury Energy Announce R&D for Petroleum Coke to Synthetic Crude Oil Gasification with Vanadium, Nickel, Cobalt Extraction". Petcoke is an environmentally harmful and burdensome waste product from the petroleum industry.


Below is an overview of various key business lines of MGX Minerals Inc.

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1) Lithium Industry/Lithium Brine Processing Technology:

MGX Minerals' brine processing technology is quickly gaining recognition. It has only been since mid-summer-2017 that MGX Minerals Inc. has been able to accept any water for testing at its new pilot plant and demand is off-the-chain from both the petrolithium industry and interested (potentially very large) lithium pure-play stake holders.


"MGX Minerals has "first-mover" advantage with a "low-cost, low-energy, modular" process that rapidly concentrates lithium and other minerals from the brine associated with oilfields and industrial wastewater." -- Quote source: S&P Global Platts; Click here to see related article.


MGX Commissions the World's First Rapid Lithium Extraction System: The Company's first  750 BPD (120 cubic meters) commercial rapid lithium extraction system was newly commissioned on December 6, 2017 (with revenue contracts), and the construction of the first large commercial 7,500 Barrels-Per-Day (BPD) system using MGX's technology was announced this November 6, 2017, being made possible by $8.2M in government grants (representing a strong vote of confidence in the technology from the highest levels, and a free ride for shareholders). Initially the commercial operation is expected to represent a modest, roughly $500,000/year revenue stream, or about $3/b -- costs, however, are less than $1/b.


MGX is revolutionizing the lithium world as we know it. With the commissioning of the first commercial-scale system the emerging lithium producer has set the course for the generation of income in early Q1 2018 and to install numerous of such systems across North America. The December 6, 2017 announcement of the partial commissioning of its first commercial-scale lithium recovery system called NFLi5 at its new manufacturing facility in Calgary, Alberta is significant milestone. The executed contract on that system alone is based on a per cubic meter processing fee valued up to $2 million CAD annually of wastewater processing revenue in addition to any value from lithium and other minerals extracted. MGX plans to equip dozens of producing oil and gas sites in North America with its in-house commissioned systems.

The share price of MGX Minerals Inc. is poised for significant upward revaluation as the reality of the magnitude of wealth headed shareholders way is appreciated by the market. MGX Minerals Inc. is now active in advancing 4 distinct business lines stemming from what experts agree and results affirm (see Oct. 16, 2017 news "MGX Minerals Processes High Magnesium Content Lithium Brine of 76,000mg/L") is the worlds most advanced brine processing technology:


Figure 1. Oil & Gas wellheads..

A) Petrolithium processing; involves capturing oil, natural gas, and minerals from oil & gas industry brine, leaving cleaner water behind. MGX Minerals is deploying the only technology that can deal with ultra-high total dissolved solids plaguing the oil & gas industry. The Company currently has ~20 testing and analysis agreements in place with almost every major oil company in Western Canada and a good number in the US, now talking with the biggest oil and gas companies, from Chesapeake to Shell. MGX Minerals is in the midst of turning out win-win proposals that solve major problems for industry and see MGX as the beneficiary of both significant dollar revenue and Lithium streams (MGX aims to negotiate contracts in the petrolithium sector that result in MGX Minerals keeping control of the lithium product). The company has essentially created its own sub-sector in the industry by focusing on petrolithium, turning garbage into gold. Look for contracts of significance to materialize near-term that cumulatively will light a fire under the share price of MGX Minerals over the coming years. This February-2018 the CEO of MGX Minerals provided an interview update in which he stated "Regarding the demonstration contracts, 90% is completed, 2 or 3 from 12 are being followed up at the moment. MGX is looking for projects with scale. One of the follow up contracts the company is closing in on, is a 5,000bpd agreement with Chesapeake Oil, which has wastewater containing 200ppm Li which is very high in wastewater terms. MGX foresees about $3.4M in LCE revenues, and about $7M in water treatment revenues, together generating $6.7M in profits. MGX is still within the demonstration contract on this one, bulk samples are ongoing, more testing has to be done, could take another 6 months for a decision."


Figure 2a. Lithium laden brine.


B) Major Lithium pure-play; MGX Minerals is targeting Li from economic/high-grade brine projects, both complex (e.g. high magnesium) or clean. On a head-to-head basis with solar evaporation lithium analysts in-the-know now agree MGX's technology has superior characteristics of lower capex, better Li recoveries (70+% vs. 40%), lower opex, has a substantially smaller footprint than miles of evaporation ponds, is faster (8 hours end-to-end vs. 18 months), and turns the presence of magnesium on its head -- treating Mg as a valuable commodity that can be extracted for sale, instead of causing a project to be passed over. Many high magnesium lithium projects around the globe (from the Americas to China) are now being revisited because of MGX Minerals technology.  It is a distinct reality now of MGX Minerals being at the center of projects with potential to generate 10s and even 100s of thousands of tonnes per annum of lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide (the main saleable form of Li used by EV/Li-ion battery manufacturers). Lithium analysts this Journal have talked with have confirmed interest is high regarding MGX Minerals' technology from major Li-industry stake holders. The Company has opened a South America sales/field office in Chile (where there is higher value -- potentially up to 1,000 ppm of lithium in brine), and is working with Kura Geoscience to identify and advance opportunities. The Company has processed lithium brine from South American salar samples and North American geothermal brine samples, and has negotiations underway for plant deployment. With MGX's brine processing technology standard economic grade brines of say 500-600mg/L Li are NOT necessary; half of this would provide interesting/potentially very lucrative outcomes.


Figure 2b. Geothermal facility.


C) Geothermal brine metal & mineral extraction; MGX Minerals Inc. is now positioned to commercially exploit the mineral rich brine that is a residual by product of geothermal power generation. MGX Minerals can capitalize on substantial existing infrastructure of the geothermal plants, well fields, ponds and related facilities. Geothermal projects offer potential to be 1) quick to market, 2) offer robust project economics, and 3) no exploration or drilling risk. The Company's engineering partner (which MGX has the right to acquire 100% of) has developed high temperature filtration for the purification of geothermal brines and associated extraction of metals and minerals including lithium (see related November 29, 2017 news). Geothermal brines are known to contain lithium, magnesium, potash, and other minerals and metals including gold.

Figure 3a. Left to right/before to after of MGX's wastewater processing technology; 1) Raw (feed), 2) intermediate chemical ppt, 3) final water prior to desalinization.


D) Wastewater handling; MGX is also a clean-tech Company with the ability to treat and reclaim wastewater for the oil & gas industry, unparallel to anything currently in the market. The industry is ripe for technology shift in cost-savings from water handling. MGX can eliminate environmental issues, reduce disposal costs, and reduce the need for acquiring new water. MGX is a major owner (with the rights to acquire 100%) of PurLucid Treatment Solutions which is essentially the engineering, manufacturing, and development arm behind the breakthrough technology MGX Minerals controls exclusively. PurLucid has a contract for reprocessing steam water for oil sands using MGX Minerals technology, the construction of a full commercial 7,500 Barrels-Per-Day (BPD) system is being made possible by $8.2M in government grant (see related November 6, 2017 news) -- this is the beginning roll-out of what we expect will be a robust water-handling business line. This first large-scale commercial plant will also be leveraged for MGX Minerals benefit as a site-visit demonstration facility to propel the lithium side of the business, as this plant will employ the same technology. In the USA water disposal is now blamed for creating earthquakes in Oklahoma on a magnitude of 1000 quakes/year, up from only 8 quakes/yr ten years ago. At first the earthquakes were thought to be the process of fracking, but now it is believed to be the actual water disposal. The disposal of water is tied to fracking, as fracking increased water use six times and operators end up putting way more water down the disposal holes -- MGX's technology is able to minimize or eliminate downhole disposal.


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Figure 3b. (left) -- MGX Minerals Inc./PurLucid's NFLi-5 system (750 barrels/day capacity).


"PurLucid continues to conduct bulk sample testing from various MGX lithium target sites throughout North America. A recent sample of brine wastewater originating from Utah was concentrated from 600 mg/L Li to 3,300 mg/L Li to produce a clean lithium chloride concentrate of 19,900 mg/L with undetectable levels of magnesium." -- Quote Source: Dec. 6, 2017 Company press release

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SHARE PRICE TO MOVE HIGHER NEAR-TERM - MID-TERM: MGX Minerals Inc. currently has a market cap of ~C$107 million (~119 million shares outstanding trading at ~$0.90/share), Market Equities Research Group projects that sometime in 2019 MGX Minerals Inc. will surpass $500M market cap, on its way to much much higher valuation, with little (if any) share dilution -- all translating to a significantly higher share price. The Company has a plethora of NDAs signed and is currently negotiating several commercial contracts. MGX has bulk sample tests from numerous primary sites and proposals are going out, no doubt the Company will land some of those. Over the coming months we expect the markets to witness MGX Minerals generate revenue and lithium streaming contracts, and the question will become "How big does this get?" We expect to see a series of good size proposals being accepted, many covering millions of dollars each in lithium. Once MGX surpasses $10 million in revenues the market will start to price in serious projections and any perceived risk will melt away, accelerating valuation. As earnings play out and contracts take off a $1B market cap in 2019 is not unrealistic. The Company has the ability to vertically integrate and partner right now. Look at how fast the second largest Lithium producer in the world came to being what it is, Ganfeng (out of China), they were not even in the Lithium business in 2006. Through a stroke of the pen and negotiations through some good deals, access to capital, and deploying capital well, a multi-billion dollar market cap is possible. There is no doubt shareholders establishing a long position now stand to be richly rewarded from the strategic advantage MGX Minerals Inc. has in its proprietary technology, now at the initial phase of commercialization, and in a marketplace as the only viable solution we are aware of for complex high Mg:Li ratio lithium brines, with exceptional economics, combined with increasing global demand by EV/Li-ion battery manufacturers thirsting to secure supply.


Although the main value of MGX Minerals Inc. currently rests in its ownership of disruptive-like technology, the company is also amassing a respectable portfolio of brine holdings. MGX is the largest holder of Li brine holdings in North America, it has ~2 million acres under staking options under a variety of arrangements, and the Company is constantly entering new JV's and deals to acquire more brine where it sees opportunity. MGX has one of the largest exploration programs underway in North America to identify areas of brine, with the big advantage of being the exclusive 100%-owners of unique technology that renders the Mg:Li ratio moot. Of particular note recently is the MGX Minerals advancement of its 110,000 acre petrolithium project in the Paradox Basin of Utah (see related April 23, 2018 release "MGX Minerals Completes Paleontology Survey at Paradox Basin, Utah Petrolithium Project; Archaeological Study Nearing Completion".


Marc Burner, MGX Minerals’ Chairman, wants to replicate the success he had with Ultra Petroleum; under his stewardship he took it from ~$10 million market cap to ~$16 billion:


Mr. Burner sees that type of potential in this untapped subsector of petrolithium extraction and big-lithium pure-play. He was attracted to MGX Minerals because of his deep understanding of the opportunity, and the fact MGX Minerals exclusively controls the IP to accomplish this. Mr. Burner is a second generation oil-and-gas businessman. His father started a company called Texas Oil and Gas, and when he sold that to US Steel, it was the biggest independent oil and gas company in the world. Mr. Burner's claim to fame is being one of the pioneers of the unconventional oil and gas business. Mr. Bruner was previously the Chairman and CEO of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. and served as Ultra Petroleum’s founding Chairman where he was involved in developing the Pinedale Anticline in Wyoming, which is now recognized as one of the largest unconventional natural gas fields in the United States. While serving these companies, Mr. Bruner oversaw negotiations and contracts with global oil and gas companies including Halliburton, Exxon Mobil, Questar Gas and Hess Corporation. In addition, Mr. Bruner founded Pennaco Energy Inc. to explore and develop coal bed methane properties in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana. In March 2000, the company was sold to Marathon Oil for US $550 million.

MGX Minerals has strong management and technical leadership, see the bottom of this article for the CV's of key people.


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Traditionally a high Mg:Li ratio made for problematic complex brine, now (because of MGX's technology) a high Mg:Li ratio can even be seen as better than clean brine as MGX can extract all in situ minerals for sale.


Figure 4. Periodic table of elements examples of diagonal relationship. A diagonal relationship is said to exist between certain pairs of diagonally adjacent elements in the second and third periods of the periodic table. It is found that the chemistry of a first-row (second period) element often has similarities to the chemistry of the second-row (third period) element being one column to the right of it in the periodic table. Thus, the chemistry of Li has similarities to that of Mg.

The Back-Story

Why MGX Minerals' technology is so effective & how the Company secured 100%-ownership of the IP


In the production of oil and gas a lot of environmentally unfriendly brackish water is produced which cannot be dumped. Besides contamination from hydrocarbons, the brackish water is mineral-rich (primarily salts), however these hydrocarbons and minerals have commodity value if extricated individually and cost effectively, which was not possible prior to MGX Minerals’ petrolithium extraction technology being developed. The presence of magnesium in high levels also presented a problem when attempting to extract lithium as both lithium and magnesium behave similar (sharing a diagonal relationship on the periodic table of elements) making them extremely difficult to separate -- MGX's technology solves this...

Sequential separation using specialized floatation and reagent coated nano-filters, each filter attracts its own unique element: Petrolithium technology involves the ability to have oil, natural gas, and now mineral extraction occur all at one well. The process involves complex floatation and nano-filtration technologies, these are new technologies which have only been around for less than a decade since inception, and the natural commercialization of the technology is now hitting the market with MGX Minerals holding the exclusive IP rights. The key to this technology is sequential separation – a specialized coated filter for each element/mineral results in a clean lithium product. MGX’s technology essentially accelerates the evaporation process from brine processing using an ion filtration systems, concentrating the lithium in the remaining solution, allowing the Company to process it into either a hydroxide, chloride, or lithium carbonate as required. Up until MGX Minerals' process, technologies for Lithium extraction focused on isolating the lithium first and foremost (if not entirely) and that made it difficult to obtain a clean lithium product. Now, by having a filter that pulls the sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, boron, individually in a specific order clean lithium brine can be obtained from what was once complex. The filter is nothing like a traditional mesh filter, these are reagent coated filters each designed to pull a specific element, it is a nano-filtration technology where the filter itself works like a magnet and attracts specific molecules via design construction and the use of reagents -- each filter attracts its own unique element. As the filter fills up like a regular filter, it backs-up and hits a pressure switch and backwashes into a tank.


The Company describes its Nanoflotation and Nanofiltration Technology as follows: "PurLucid and MGX systems utilize a highly charged Replaceable Skin Layer (RSL™) membrane related to the nanofiltration and High Intensity Froth Flotation (HiFF) system, known as nanoflotation, which collectively have demonstrated performance superiority over other processes typically used to remove contaminants. The technology allows ultra-high temperature water treatment (up to 700°C) at 10-30 times the efficiency of existing ultrafiltration systems and offers numerous environmental benefits, including contaminant removal, mineral recovery, reduced energy demand and smaller footprints."


The core technology was developed to clean up the oil sands (oil sand tailing waste is some of the nastiest on the planet) so it is total overkill when it comes to tackling ordinary oil & gas brine, and that is what is making the technology so much easier to roll-out now. MGX Minerals Inc. is now the only group that can handle ultra-high total dissolved solids; there are no other filtrations that we are aware of that can deal with total dissolved solids beyond 40,000 PPM. MGX can deal with 400,000+ PPM without issue -- all because this was designed for the oil sand tailings. All oil & gas companies ask "how do we cut our water costs and physically reduce water disposal?" -- everyone is looking for long-term water solutions.

The process was originally invented by the team at PurLucid Treatment Solutions, a company which MGX Minerals currently owns ~51% of and has the the rights to purchase 100% (in exchange for a relatively nominal amount of stock). MGX already owns 100% of the key technology, having already paid for the lithium and mineral extraction technology and any improvements on that technology in the future, so that value does not exist in PurLucid. But there is serious value in the people/knowledge-base and other technology PurLucid has. Purlucid is a valuable consulting Company at the forefront of water treatment and lithium extraction. The Company has top people in the field; e.g. the chief scientist was the head of R&D for Tervita, the largest water treatment Company in Alberta. When oil had a down turn it a few years ago it was just at the point PurLucid was looking for a corporate partner (as is required by the government to demonstrate/facilitate weaning off of government grants, a private partner was required to apply for more grants), that is when MGX Minerals stepped in. Essentially PurLucid was at the phase that it could qualify for multi-millions and MGX Minerals recognized the value of the technology. PurLucid's invention makes up the front-end of MGX's rapid lithium extraction technology, its the most important part. The people at PurLucid have produced a number of systems in the past and are important for MGX Minerals now, as they are experienced on the engineering side, manufacturing side, development side, and provide guidance on how to commercialize what MGX Minerals now controls.



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Superior economics compared to solar evaporation


On a head-to-head bases MGX Minerals' Rapid Lithium Extraction System outshines solar evaporation.  At first blush, solar evaporation may seem cheap (letting the sun do the work passively), however its clearly not the case:


   - Lower system capex & lower opex;

   - More efficient: 70+% recoveries of Li vs. ~40% for solar evaporation;

   - Faster end-to-end time: ~8hr vs. ~18 months;

   - Much smaller footprint: miles of evaporation ponds are not necessary with MGX's technology;

   - The equipment is modular (containerized) & scalable;

   - Able to handle high Mg:Li ratio;

   - Plus there is the benefit of usable freshened water as an end product.


Solar evaporation just doesn't compare in terms of capital and efficiency. Lithium analysts have discussed with this Journal comparative costs with the belief MGX can go head-to-head with solar evaporation at less than 1/2 the capex cost, and less than 1/4 the opex costs. Also because MGX's system is scalable it can be rolled out in phases, scaled-up over time in say US$4M increments (e.g. a 7,500BPD system would cost near ~US$2M for the front-end sequential separation technology, and ~US$2M for the back-end evaporation unit). Depending on grade, say 350 mg of Li/L grade for example, on a single 7,500 BPD system, we calculate >200t of Li-carbonate/year, >US$2,000,000 in revenue/year could be generated (based on a conservative commodity price of US$10,000/t for Li carbonate). In areas where there are high total dissolved solids an operator is also going to have a plethora of low value companion commodities (e.g. boron, sodium, calcium, etc.) which will generate additional kicker revenue. A potentially very profitable undertaking with no massive capital risk. It is such low level of capital required to deploy MGX Minerals system, in most instances it could be facilitated via lease and debt financing, or even potentially off-sheet via JV partners. The ability to advance lithium brine projects in a modular way makes for a very attractive proposition. Larger (big-lithium) MGX Rapid Lithium Extraction System projects may better lend themselves to building-out centralized evaporation infrastructure on the back-end to take advantage of economies of scale. The traditional number for opex for solar is ~$5/barrel, MGX is ~$1/barrel on opex comparison basis for clean brine with only 1 operator required to man the pumps and normal use of reagents. This is what happens when you have a paradigm shift. MGX is using passive filtration technology to process on the fly whereas traditional solar evaporation engineers are having to line miles and miles of ponds, getting lower recovery, it takes close to 2 years to get an end product with solar evaporation vs. residence time in the filters of ~8 hours from end-to-end for MGX.

Going beyond petrolithium and targeting big-lithium pure-plays: MGX Minerals Inc. has the petrolithium side of the business tied-down, the Company is going to do very well in petrolithium as it has the only mineral extraction technology possible to deal with what oil & gas companies are looking for. It is just now seeing the first of many new systems that will dominate that sub-sector.  But the 'Fortune-500 money Company-maker' potential for MGX Mineral shareholders is in the lithium pure-play side. MGX Minerals is looking at very large brine sources, inland lakes/inland seas, very large mine tailings fluid scenarios, South America brines, these types of operations can support mass production. When MGX first looked at making its technology work (with petrolithium) it looked at trying to make tight economics projects work, the Company looked at making 70 mg of Li/L work -- that was its break-even for chasing lithium. Then when MGX Minerals started to spread its wings and look around and talk to other lithium companies it recognized that the economics became massively rewarding as the grades increased. MGX is opening its office in Chile as it is well connected there -- it is not unusual to find brines in South America near 500 mg of Li/L. The reason MGX's system becomes so profitable is because as you scale up, things like operator costs (e.g. your labor costs) as a percentage drop and your main costs are reagent and consumable costs, the overwhelming majority of consumable costs are related to minerals/elements other than Lithium. There is not a significant difference in terms of reagents whether you are extracting 70 mg/L or 500 mg/L of lithium, you are still in parts per million, it’s so small. An increase in Lithium grade translate to gains in revenue and adds nothing to costs. 


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     Content found herein is not investment advice see Terms of Use, Disclosure & Disclaimer 


Recent news releases regarding Company accomplishments and developments:


• July 19, 2018 "MGX Minerals Completes Drill Program at British Columbia Silicon Property".


• July 18, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Completion of Geotechnical Drilling at Driftwood Creek Magnesium; Reports 87 Meters of 41.3% Magnesium Oxide".


• July 13, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Nevada Lithium Brine Project JV with Belmont Resources; Drilling to Commence at Kibby Basin, NV".


• July 12, 2018 "MGX Minerals and Engineering Partner Highbury Energy Announce R&D for Petroleum Coke to Synthetic Crude Oil Gasification with Vanadium, Nickel, Cobalt Extraction".


• July 11, 2018 "MGX Minerals and Engineering Partner PurLucid Announce Arrival of Second Rapid Lithium Extraction and Wastewater Treatment System".


• July 9, 2018 "MGX Minerals Provides Driftwood Creek Magnesium Update; Engages Hatch Ltd. for Pre-Feasibility Study Analysis and Reports Regional Exploration Results".


• July 5, 2018 "MGX Minerals Files Application to Complete 3D Seismic Survey at Utah Petrolithium Project".


• July 4, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Completion of Initial Four Holes at Silicon Property; Solar Silicon Metallurgy Underway".


• June 28, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Manufacturing Underway of Zinc-Air Battery Components".


• June 25, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Closing of Oversubscribed $15.5M Private Placement for Lithium and Advanced Material Projects".


• June 21, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Commencement of Large-Scale Drill Program at Case Lake Lithium Project, Ontario".


• June 14, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Successful Demonstration of Rapid Lithium Extraction System".


• June 5, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces CA$12 Million Non-Brokered Private Placement Financing".


• May 31, 2018 "MGX Minerals and Engineering Partner PurLucid Announce Rapid Lithium Extraction System Demonstration".


• May 25, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions Joins Research Consortium to Develop Nanostructured Electrodes for Grid Scale Energy Storage".


• May 24, 2018 "MGX Minerals Provides Update on B.C. Silicon Project Portfolio; Drilling and Metallurgical Programs Planned for 2018".


• May 18, 2018 "MGX Minerals Wins 2018 S&P Global Platts Metals Leadership Award -Base & Specialty Metals for Rapid Lithium Extraction Technology".


• May 16, 2018 "MGX Minerals and Engineering Partner PurLucid Nearing Commissioning of Oilfield Lithium Recovery and Wastewater Treatment Systems".


• May 14, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces 300% Increase in Power Capacity of Next Generation Zinc-Air Fuel Cell Battery".


• May 8, 2018 "MGX Minerals Acquires Additional 10,000 Acres of Oil and Gas Rights at Paradox Basin, Utah Petrolithium Project".


• May 2, 2018 "MGX Minerals Expands Utah Petrolithium Project; Acquires Additional Oil and Gas Leases at Paradox Basin".


• April 30, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Record Date for Dividend of ZincNyx Energy Solutions Shares; Provides Public Listing Update".


• April 27, 2018 "MGX Minerals Processes Lithium Brine from South American Salar Samples and North American Geothermal Brine Samples; Negotiations Underway for Plant Deployment".


• April 23, 2018 "MGX Minerals Completes Paleontology Survey at Paradox Basin, Utah Petrolithium Project; Archaeological Study Nearing Completion".


• April 18, 2018 "MGX Minerals' Subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions Enters Into Partnership Agreement with Digital Energy Corporation to Deploy Zinc-Air Fuel Cell Technology in New York City".


• April 17, 2018 "MGX Minerals Files Technical Report for Driftwood Creek Magnesium Preliminary Economic Assessment; Pre-Tax NPV of C$529.8 Million".


• April 16, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Expanded Capacity of Next Generation Zinc-Air Fuel Cell Battery".


• April 4, 2018 "MGX Minerals and PurLucid Provide Lithium Extraction System Deployment Update; Second Site Agreement Near Completion".


• April 3, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Intent to List Zinc-Air Fuel Cell Division; Issue Dividend to Shareholders".


• April 2, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces 15,000 Meter Drill Program at Case Lake Lithium JV".


• March 29, 2018 "MGX Minerals and Highbury Energy Produce 45% Vanadium Concentrate from Petroleum Coke Ash".


• March 22, 2018 "MGX Minerals Selects Capstone Headwaters for Merger and Acquisition Advisory; Focus on Lithium, Magnesium and Energy Technology".


• March 20, 2018 "MGX Minerals Recognized as Double Finalist for S&P Global Platts Metals Awards".


• March 15, 2018 "MGX Minerals Engages Hatch Ltd. for Magnesium Metal Study at Driftwood Creek, British Columbia".


• March 12, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Advancement of Next Generation Zinc Air Fuel Cell Battery".


• March 8, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Engagement of Dr. James G. Blencoe to Develop a Thermochemical Process for Extracting Lithium from Spodumene; Case Lake Lithium Project Drill Core to be Tested".


• March 6, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Positive PEA for Driftwood Creek Magnesium; Pre-Tax NPV of C$529.8 Million and 24.5% IRR".


• February 23, 2018 "MGX Minerals to Proceed with Hydrogen Gasification and Battery Metals Extraction from Petroleum Coke; Receives Initial Vanadium Nickel Cobalt Assay Results".


• February 22, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Completion of 3,000 Metre Drill Program at Case Lake Lithium; 8,000 Metre Spring Drill Program Planned".


• February 20, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces AGM Results".


• February 14, 2018 "MGX Minerals Commences Lithium Brine Testing in Chile; Multiple Projects to be Evaluated".


• February 12, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Advancement in Nanofiltration Lithium Technology; Commences Initial Design of 2400 Cubic Meter Per Day Plant".


• February 7, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Publication and International Filing of Metal-Air Fuel Cell Patent; Eyes Mobile and Marine Applications".


• February 1, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Acquisition of 20 Patents for Zinc Air Fuel Cell Battery".


• January 31, 2018 "MGX Minerals Receives Approval to Conduct 3D Seismic Survey at Utah Petrolithium Project, Blueberry Unit, Paradox Basin".


• January 30, 2018 "MGX Minerals Commences Development of Next Generation Zinc Air Mass Storage System".


• January 25, 2018 "MGX Minerals Increases Ownership Stake in Cleantech Engineering Partner PurLucid Treatment Solutions to 51%".


• January 24, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces 1.79% Li 186ppm Ta Over 6m at Case Lake Lithium, Ontario".


• January 23, 2018 "MGX Minerals Strengthens Leadership Team to Execute California Lithium Strategy; Appoints Randall Keller As VP of Business Development".


• January 21, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Spodumene Mineralization Intersected on New Northeast Dyke at Case Lake; Drill Program Increased to 3,000 metres".


• January 18, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces 2.07 % Li2O and 213.96 ppm Ta Over 18.0 m at Case Lake".


• January 16, 2018 "MGX Minerals Partners with Highbury Energy to Extract Nickel, Vanadium, and Cobalt from Petroleum Coke".


• January 11, 2018 "MGX Minerals Appoints Christopher Wolfenberg to Board of Directors".


• January 10, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Commencement of Drill Program at Case Lake Lithium Project".


• January 9, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Major Advancement in Mass Storage Battery Technology; Solves Zinc Dendrite Formation Limitation".


• January 5, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces 17.0 Metres of 1.81% Li2O at Case Lake Lithium Project".


• January 4, 2018 "MGX Minerals Increases Ownership in Cleantech Engineering Partner PurLucid Treatment Solutions; Low Cost Nanofiltration Lithium Extraction System Nearing Deployment".


• January 2, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Completion of Site Survey for 3D Seismic Geophysics at Paradox Basin, Utah Petrolithium Project".


• December 28, 2017 "MGX Minerals Announces Closing of Final Tranche of $12.9M Private Placement of Flow Through and Non Flow Through Units".


• December 21, 2017 "MGX Minerals Closes $4.1 Million Second Tranche of Oversubscribed Private Placement".


• December 18, 2017 "MGX Minerals Commences Exploration and Permitting at Kootenay and Wonah Silicon Projects; Metallurgy Process Design for Testing of Solar Grade Silicon Applicability Completed".


• December 15, 2017 "MGX Minerals Advances 110,000 Acre Petrolithium Project Paradox Basin, Utah".


• December 13, 2017 "MGX Minerals to Acquire Zinc Air Battery Developer ZincNyx Energy Solutions".


• December 11, 2017 "MGX Minerals Closes $6.3 Million First Tranche of Non-Brokered Private Placement".


• December 6, 2017 "MGX Minerals and PurLucid Treatment Solutions Announce Initial Commissioning of Rapid Lithium Recovery System, Deployment Site and Water Processing Contract".


• December 4, 2017 "MGX Minerals’ Joint Venture Partner Power Metals Samples up to 7.14% Li2O on Surface at Case Lake Lithium Property".


• December 1, 2017 "MGX Minerals Engages Senator Richard Polanco (Ret.) to Direct California Lithium Brine Strategy".


• November 30, 2017 "MGX Minerals to Open Office in Santiago, Chile to Evaluate New Projects and Joint Ventures".


• November 29, 2017 "MGX Minerals Announces Ultra High Temperature Filtration for Extraction of Lithium from Geothermal Brine".


• November 27, 2017 "MGX Minerals Announces New Discoveries and Completion of 50 Hole Drill Program At Case Lake Lithium, Ontario; 20 Hole Follow-up Drill Program Set For January 2018".


• November 16, 2017 "MGX Minerals Announces Case Lake Lithium Project Drilling Nears Completion".


• November 8, 2017 "MGX Minerals Initiates Geophysical Survey at Utah Petrolithium Project, Blueberry Unit, Paradox Basin".


• November 6, 2017 "MGX Minerals Engineering Partner PurLucid Awarded C$8.2M to Manufacture and Deploy Wastewater Treatment Systems Central to MGXs Petrolithium Recovery Process".


• November 2, 2017 "MGX Minerals’ Joint Venture Partner Power Metals Drills 26.0 Metres of 1.94% Li2O and 323.75 ppm Ta at Case Lake Property".


• October 16, 2017 "MGX Minerals Processes High Magnesium Content Lithium Brine of 76,000mg/L Mg; Nears Completion of First Commercial Rapid Lithium Extraction System".


• September 28, 2017 "MGX Minerals Appoints Mining Executive Ian Graham as VP Operations".


• September 27, 2017 "MGX Minerals Uplisted in United States to OTCQB Marketplace Under Symbol MGXMF".


• September 21, 2017 "MGX Minerals Intersects Broad Intervals of Spodumene Pegmatite Mineralization at Case Lake, Ontario Lithium Project".


• September 5, 2017 "MGX Minerals Warrants Begin Trading on CSE Under Symbol "XMG.WT.A"".


• August 29, 2017 "MGX Minerals Announces Lithium, Magnesium, Silicon, and REE Project Updates".


• August 9, 2017 "MGX Minerals Announces N.I. 51-101 Estimated Prospective Oil and Gas Resource for Paradox Basin Petrolithium Project".


• August 2, 2017 "MGX Minerals To Acquire Petrolithium and Spodumene-Bearing Pegmatite Project Portfolio from Power Metals Corp.".


• August 1, 2017 "MGX Minerals Commences Pilot Plant Testing for Li-1 Lithium Recovery System".


• July 19, 2017 "MGX Minerals Commences Drilling at Longworth Silica Project; Targeting High Purity Quartzite Mineralization within Snow Zone".


• July 13, 2017 "MGX Minerals Receives Bureau of Land Management Approval of the Blueberry Unit Covering 80,000 Acres of Oil and Gas Leases at Utah Petrolithium Project".


• July 6, 2017 "MGX Minerals: Engineering Partner PurLucid Treatment Solutions Announces Patent Filing and Exclusive License for Low Energy Process for Rapid Extraction of Lithium and Other Minerals from Oil Wastewater".


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2) Details of MGX Minerals' modular energy storage zinc-air batteries business line:


Technological Breakthrough in the Mass Energy Storage Industry

  •  MGX appears on its way to becoming a low cost/high performance leader in the zinc-air battery sector.

On January 9, 2018 MGX Minerals Inc. announced a major technological breakthrough by its wholly owned subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions Inc. (a private company acquired from the mining giant Teck Resources in December 2017), in which the Company has solved a critical issue that has plagued metal-air batteries; weak reliability due to the growth of zinc dendrites within the battery. The problem occurs when fine-threaded filaments of zinc crystals grow in unintended areas and may cause membrane ruptures or short circuits. The ZincNyx system is immune to this problematic phenomenon as it uses these zinc dendrites as fuel and consumes them as part of its normal operation. This technological breakthrough brings far reaching consequences because the avoidance of dendrite damage is the single most significant hurdle in the development and commercialization of zinc-air flow battery systems.

With this technical challenge now mastered, ZincNyx has already started the commercial design for the mass production of its scalable 20kWh capacity zinc-air mass storage battery.


Technology highlights (source:


• The zinc-air battery is an innovative mass energy storage system which can be readily scaled from kilowatt to megawatt range.

• Most interestingly, the ZincNyx system is simple to manufacture in multiple locations using conventional methods – it does not require a Gigafactory!

• The main advantage is the low cost in comparison to other energy storage systems which traditionally include high-priced commodities such as lithium, cobalt and vanadium. The ZincNyx batterry solely includes zinc particles to efficiently store energy. The materials used in the manufacture of a full ZincNyx energy storage system are inexpensive and plentiful: zinc, magnesium, nickel, carbon, plastics.

• The technology emits no greenhouse gases or pollutants and does not contain any heavy metals.

• It’s a closed system and because there is no buildup of dendrites it never needs to be refueled and it does not corrode. The zinc particles are charged by solar or wind, or whatever the charged zinc goes into the fuel tank, where the energy is stored and then on demand is pumped into the fuel cells and then back to the regeneration area to be recharged.

• Unlike conventional batteries, which have a fixed energy/power ratio, ZincNyx’s technology uses a fuel tank system that offers flexible energy/power ratios and scalability. The storage capacity is directly tied to the size of the fuel tank and quantity of charged zinc fuel, making scalability a major advantage of this flow battery system.

• The ZincNyx system is a true flow battery, thereby completely decoupling the energy and power capabilities of the system. The energy capacity can be increased simply by providing more fuel. This fuel (particles of zinc plus oxygen drawn from the air) is very inexpensive – estimated to be less than $25/kWh. Since the air does not need to be stored within the system, the size of the fuel tank is considerably reduced compared to other flow battery chemistries.

• The ZincNyx system can also be described as a regenerative fuel cell – the fuel can be regenerated electrically and never needs to be replaced. The ZincNyx system provides the benefits of a hydrogen fuel cell without the need to transport and store hydrogen.

• The system is composed of 3 major subsystems: The zinc regeneration subsystem, the fuel storage subsystem and the power generation subsystem. Each subsystem can be sized according to the application requirements: Regeneration capacity (kW), energy storage capacity (kWh) and power generation capacity (kW). This is particularly important in photovoltaic applications where the duration of usable sunlight for regeneration may be limited to 6 hours or less. The separation of functions enables each subsystem to be optimised for its application and to utilise the most cost-effective and durable materials.

• The ZincNyx system does not require air conditioning since it operates above normal ambient temperatures (50-70°C).

• Another major advantage of the zinc-air flow battery is the ability to charge and discharge simultaneously and at different maximum charge or discharge rates as each of the charge and discharge circuits is separate and independent. Other types of standard and flow batteries are limited to a maximum charge and discharge by the total number of cells as there is no separation of the charge, discharge and size of the fuel storage system.

Compelling Competitive Advantages:
• Lowest cost energy storage for durations of 4 hours and greater
• Scalable, robust, reliable
• Insensitive to environmental and operational conditions
• Safe: No toxic, explosive or combustible materials or poisonous gasses
• Flexibility to optimize for power and energy needs



Recent Zinc Air Mass Storage news:


MGX Minerals Announces Manufacturing Underway of Zinc-Air Battery Components

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA / June 28, 2018 / MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE: XMG / OTCQB: MGXMF / FSE: 1MG) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions, Inc. (“ZincNyx”) has completed the design for manufacturing of its core regenerator and fuel cell modules.

Since both modules are constructed from a number of identical cells, they constitute ideal candidates for manufacture by volume production methods such as injection molding, die casting and extrusion. These methods require stringent design rules to be followed to ensure efficient and reliable parts production. ZincNyx has now completed this process for the highest volume parts with the active participation of its chosen suppliers. ZincNyx expects to start receiving parts based on these designs within the next 4 to 6 weeks.

“This advance demonstrates that the ZincNyx system can be manufactured using conventional production processes,” said ZincNyx President and CEO Suresh Singh. “The design can be transferred to almost any location world-wide without the need to build expensive custom factories.”

The regenerator and fuel cell parts form the nucleus of ZincNyx’s next generation system which will provide four times the capacity of earlier models. The expanded range of this system addresses the need for long duration energy storage when coupled with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The system may be housed in a shipping container for deployment at remote locations or may be installed in free standing racks in a warehouse-type environment.

About ZincNyx Energy Solutions
ZincNyx has developed a patented regenerative zinc-air flow battery that efficiently stores energy in the form of zinc particles and contains none of the traditional high cost battery commodities such as lithium, vanadium, or cobalt. The technology allows for low cost mass storage of energy and can be deployed into a wide range of applications.

Unlike conventional batteries, which have a fixed energy/power ratio, ZincNyx’s technology uses a fuel tank system that offers flexible energy/power ratios and scalability. The storage capacity is directly tied to the size of the fuel tank and the quantity of recharged zinc fuel, making scalability a major advantage of the flow battery system. In addition, a further major advantage of the zinc-air flow battery is the ability to charge and discharge simultaneously and at different maximum charge or discharge rates since each of the charge and discharge circuits is separate and independent. Other types of standard and flow batteries are limited to a maximum charge and discharge by the total number of cells as there is no separation of the charge, discharge and storage components.

The ZincNyx mission is to provide the lowest cost, longest duration and most reliable energy storage system for markets involving renewables firming, peak shaving, diesel generator replacement, telecom facility back-up, electrification of ferries and tug boats and electric vehicle charging support.

With a portfolio of 20 granted patents and an experienced management team, ZincNyx is now ready to start commercialization of the product.

To learn more about ZincNyx technology visit here for full copy from source



MGX Minerals Announces 300% Increase in Power Capacity of Next Generation Zinc-Air Fuel Cell Battery 

MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) is pleased to report that its 100% wholly-owned subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions, Inc. (“ZincNyx”) has quadrupled the capacity of its fuel cell modules (stacks).

System Architecture
The ZincNyx zinc-air flow battery is comprised of three main modules- a regenerator module that uses electricity to charge particles of zinc, a fuel tank where the zinc particles are stored until needed, and a fuel cell module that uses zinc particles to generate electricity (see Figure 1).

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Fuel Cell Module
The fuel cell module is comprised of a stack of identical cells. In the original implementation of the stack, each cell was capable of generating 100 Amps at approximately 1 Volt. A stack of 12 cells connected in series was thus able to generate 100 Amps at 12 volts, or approximately 1.25 kW.

The latest development of this technology doubles the area of each cell and enables up to 24 cells to be connected in series, thereby quadrupling the output capacity of a stack to 5 kW (200 Amps at 24 Volts nominal). An additional improvement incorporated in this iteration of the design is a streamlined electrolyte path that reduces load on the fuel pump. The new stack is designed for injection molding and die-casting from the outset, thereby reducing the cost to manufacture the unit.

“This development is a further illustration of the flexibility of the ZincNyx system,” said ZincNyx President and CEO Suresh Singh. “Advances can be made to each component of the system without requiring simultaneous changes to the other components. In this case, the power generation capacity is increased without requiring simultaneous changes to the power regeneration capacity or the energy storage capacity.”

ZincNyx has developed a patented regenerative zinc-air flow battery that efficiently stores energy in the form of zinc particles and contains none of the traditional high cost battery commodities such as lithium, vanadium, or cobalt. The technology allows for low-cost mass storage of energy and can be deployed into a wide range of applications.

Unlike conventional batteries, which have a fixed energy/power ratio, ZincNyx’s technology uses a fuel tank system that offers flexible energy/power ratios and scalability. The storage capacity is directly tied to the size of the fuel tank and the quantity of recharged zinc fuel, making scalability a major advantage of the flow battery system. In addition, a further major advantage of the zinc-air flow battery is the ability to charge and discharge simultaneously and at different maximum charge or discharge rates since each of the charge and discharge circuits is separate and independent. Other types of standard and flow batteries are limited to a maximum charge and discharge by the total number of cells as there is no separation of the charge, discharge and storage components.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

To watch a short video outlining this operation, please visit:

About ZincNyx Energy Solutions
ZincNyx Energy Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of MGX, has assembled an experienced team to execute the development and commercialization of a dependable renewable energy source. With both environmental and efficiency factors in mind, ZincNyx’s mission is to provide the lowest cost, longest duration and most reliable energy storage system for markets involving renewables firming, peak shaving, diesel generator replacement, telecom facility back-up, electrification of ferries and tug boats, and electric vehicle charging support. MGX intends to publicly list ZincNyx and pay a partial share dividend to MGX shareholders of record (see press release dated April 3, 2018).

About MGX Minerals
MGX Minerals is a diversified Canadian resource company with interests in advanced material and energy assets throughout North America. Learn more at here for full copy from source




MGX Minerals Announces Advancement of Next Generation Zinc Air Fuel Cell Battery


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 18, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) is pleased to its 100% wholly-owned subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions, Inc. (“ZincNyx”) has signed a Letter of Intent (the “LOI”) to enter into  a partnership agreement with New York based systems integrator Digital Energy Corporation (“Digital”).

Under the terms of the agreement, Digital will install the ZincNyx battery system at a demonstration site in New York City. Upon successful completion of the first project, ZincNyx and Digital will develop additional installation sites and work to expand distribution of the ZincNyx technology.


The project will demonstrate ZincNyx’s patented zinc-air flow-battery technology in combination with an onsite co-generation plant to reduce cost and increase revenue through multiple value streams, including peak shaving, demand response and economic dispatch. The ZincNyx flow battery chosen for this project employs a unique zinc-air chemistry that is safe for use in densely populated areas. The project will identify the operational and regulatory requirements to be satisfied for deployment in the state of New York.


Digital’s choice, amongst many high capacity batteries, is the zinc-air system that has long been recognized as highly advantageous due to its inherent safety, high energy density and abundance of its raw materials. The other unique advantages of the ZincNyx system, such as the ability to simultaneously charge and discharge, flexibility to optimize power and energy needs, low cost of energy for long durations and modularity, further simplified the decision.


“We are delighted with this partnership with Digital Energy,” said ZincNyx President and CEO Suresh Singh. ”Digital’s years of experience with system integration and energy generation will greatly enhance our ability to deploy energy storage solutions throughout the United States.”


“Digital is excited to partner with ZincNyx to bring lower cost energy storage solutions to New York State. We believe the ZincNyx flow battery product, along with revenue streams from the New York State REV initiative and the NYISO, will provide a high value proposition for this and future projects,” said Digital Energy Vice President Jon Lilian.


About ZincNyx Energy Solutions
ZincNyx Energy Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of MGX, has assembled an experienced team to execute the development and commercialization of a dependable renewable energy source. With both environmental and efficiency factors in mind, ZincNyx strives to meet the growing need for secure and reliable power. MGX intends to publicly list ZincNyx and pay a partial share dividend to MGX shareholders of record (see press release dated April 3, 2018). The record date is expected to be announced shortly.


About Digital Energy
Digital Energy is a project development and energy consulting firm.  Digital focuses on maximizing financial performance, by working with DER (Distributed Energy Resources) owners, to efficiently operate their energy assets.   Digital believes that combining other DER technologies with the ZincNyx flow battery solution will provide a mechanism for DER owners to derive additional value.  Digital’s participation in FERC, NYISO, and PSC proceeding has led to beneficial regulatory changes for DER owners.  Digital is currently participating in several regulatory proceedings that will provide additional value streams to the owners of these types of energy assets.  Digital is uniquely positioned to assist owners in monetizing the full value of their facilities. To learn more about Digital Energy visit


About MGX Minerals
MGX Minerals is a diversified Canadian resource company with interests in advanced material and energy assets throughout North America. Learn more at here for full copy from source




MGX Minerals Announces Advancement of Next Generation Zinc Air Fuel Cell Battery


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) is pleased to announce it has commenced optimization of charging and oxygen fuel generation functions for its zinc air fuel cell battery as part of the mass production design phase.

Regeneration Module
The charging function of the zinc air battery occurs in the regeneration module. Design work is now focused on optimization of the bubble field that is generated during the zinc regeneration process. A deeper understanding of the bubble field and how to optimize its effects will enable to operate at higher efficiency and offer improved reliability at a lower cost.


The regeneration module functions by charging zinc particles, which form the electrolyte that is then passed to the fuel tank. The fuel tank may be of any size and hold full charge for six months without any significant loss. The system may be powered by a variety of renewable and traditional sources including solar.


Oxygen Generation
The carbon-dioxide scrubber module is used in the generation of the oxygen fuel from air. Oxygen is combined with zinc to create the electrolyte used in the fuel cell where power is generated. Testing of an alkaline solution in removing carbon dioxide from ambient air is also underway. The outcome of these tests will be used to further optimize the scrubber module for production systems. The liquid-based scrubber promises to deliver much higher capacity and lower cost than comparable solids-based methods.


This next generation system will continue to be modular and offer capabilities to combine multiple 20kW systems at the electrical interface, allowing for deployment of containerized systems capable of providing up to one Megawatt or more. The expanded range of the system will address the need for long duration energy storage when coupled with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The system may be housed in a shipping container for deployment at remote locations or installed in free standing racks in warehouse-type environments.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Overview of Technology
ZincNyx has developed a patented regenerative zinc-air flow battery that efficiently stores energy in the form of zinc particles and contains none of the traditional high cost battery commodities such as lithium, vanadium, or cobalt. The technology allows for low cost mass storage of energy and can be deployed into a wide range of applications.


Unlike conventional batteries, which have a fixed energy/power ratio, ZincNyx’s technology uses a fuel tank system that offers flexible energy/power ratios and scalability. The storage capacity is directly tied to the size of the fuel tank and the quantity of recharged zinc fuel, making scalability a major advantage of the flow battery system. In addition, a further major advantage of the zinc-air flow battery is the ability to charge and discharge simultaneously and at different maximum charge or discharge rates since each of the charge and discharge circuits is separate and independent. Other types of standard and flow batteries are limited to a maximum charge and discharge by the total number of cells as there is no separation of the charge and discharge components.


To watch a short video outlining ZincNyx technology, please visit here for full copy from source


Excerpt of January 30, 2018 news

MGX Minerals Commences Development of Next Generation Zinc Air Mass Storage System

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 30, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) is pleased to announce that wholly-owned subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions, Inc.(“ZincNyx”) has commenced development of a scaled-up 20 kW system for use in utility-scale battery storage. The 20kW/160kWh modules represent a 4x increase in both energy and power as compared to ZincNyx’s current 5kW systems. The 20kW system retains all attributes of existing 5kW systems while providing additional benefits, including lower costs and higher energy density along with the ability to serve broader market segments.

This next generation system will continue to be modular and offer capabilities to combine multiple 20kW systems at the electrical interface, allowing for deployment of containerized systems capable of providing up to one Megawatt or more. Key technical features of the system include:

  • True flow battery which completely decouples the energy and power capabilities of the system
  • Scalable energy capacity through the addition of more zinc and oxygen (“Fuel”)
  • Inexpensive Fuel
  • Regenerative Fuel cell that does not require fuel replacement
  • Eliminates need for transporting, storing or refilling of hydrogen (as compared to hydrogen fuel cell systems)
  • Zero emission of greenhouse gases or pollutants

The expanded range of the next generation system addresses the need for long duration energy storage when coupled with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The system may be housed in a shipping container for deployment at remote locations or installed in free standing racks in warehouse-type environments.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Overview of Technology
ZincNyx has developed a patented regenerative zinc-air flow battery that efficiently stores energy in the form of zinc particles and contains none of the traditional high cost battery commodities such as lithium, vanadium, or cobalt. The technology allows for low cost mass storage of energy and can be deployed into a wide range of applications.

Unlike conventional batteries, which have a fixed energy/power ratio, ZincNyx’s technology uses a fuel tank system that offers flexible energy/power ratios and scalability.  The storage capacity is directly tied to the size of the fuel tank and the quantity of recharged zinc fuel, making scalability a major advantage of the flow battery system. In addition, a further major advantage of the zinc-air flow battery is the ability to charge and discharge simultaneously and at different maximum charge or discharge rates since each of the charge and discharge circuits is separate and independent. Other types of standard and flow batteries are limited to a maximum charge and discharge by the total number of cells as there is no separation of the charge and discharge components.

To watch a short video outlining ZincNyx technology, please visit

A video accompanying this announcement is available at

Closing Transaction
The ZincNyx transaction is now closed. A total of $250,000 cash and 4,793,333 common shares of MGX have been issued as consideration for the acquisition of ZincNyx and related intellectual property and retention of key employees. A finder’s fee of 40,000 common shares of MGX was also paid in connection with the closing.

We are delighted to become part of the MGX family of CleanTech Companies,” said ZincNyx CEO Suresh Singh. “We look forward to accelerating our commercialization efforts and contributing towards making MGX a leader in the energy storage space.

About ZincNyx Energy Solutions
To learn more about ZincNyx technology visit

About MGX Minerals
MGX Minerals is a diversified Canadian resource company with interests in advanced material and energy assets throughout North America. Learn more at

Contact Information
Jared Lazerson
President and CEO
Telephone: 1.604.681.7735
Web:  ... here for full copy from source


Excerpt of January 9, 2018 news

MGX Minerals Announces Major Advancement in Mass Storage Battery Technology; Solves Zinc Dendrite Formation Limitation

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc. (“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) is pleased to announce wholly owned subsidiary ZincNyx Energy Solutions, Inc. (“ZincNyx”) has solved the long standing reliability issue caused by the growth of zinc dendrites in zinc-air flow batteries. The problem occurs when filaments of zinc (dendrites) grow in unintended areas and may cause membrane ruptures or short circuits to occur. The ZincNyx system is immune to this effect since it uses zinc dendrites as fuel and consumes them as part of its normal operation. Avoidance of dendrite damage is the single most significant hurdle in development and commercialization of zinc-air flow battery systems. Phase II design and testing has been completed and final commercial design is now underway for mass production of its scalable 20kWh capacity zinc-air mass storage battery. 

This innovative regenerative zinc-air flow battery can be readily scaled from kilowatt to megawatt range to provide low cost energy storage. ZincNyx has developed a patented regenerative zinc-air flow battery that efficiently stores energy in the form of zinc particles and contains none of the traditional high cost battery commodities such as lithium, vanadium, or cobalt. The technology allows for low cost mass storage of energy and can be deployed into a wide range of applications. 

Unlike conventional batteries, which have a fixed energy/power ratio, ZincNyx’s technology uses a fuel tank system that offers flexible energy/power ratios and scalability.  The storage capacity is directly tied to the size of the fuel tank and quantity of charged zinc fuel making scalability a major advantage of the flow battery system.  In addition, further major advantage of the zinc-air flow battery is the ability to charge and discharge simultaneously and at different maximum charge or discharge rates as each of the charge and discharge circuits is separate and independent.  Other types of standard and flow batteries are limited to a maximum charge and discharge by the total number of cells as there is no separation of the charge, discharge and size of the fuel storage system. 

The technology emits no greenhouse gases or pollutants.

ZincNyx Technology
ZincNyx’s technology consists of three main subsystems that use zinc and air to store energy in the form of zinc particles. When the system is delivering power, the zinc particles are combined with oxygen drawn from the surrounding air. When the system is recharging, zinc particles are regenerated and oxygen is returned to atmospheric air.

ZincNyx has secured over 20 patents to date.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

About ZincNyx Energy Solutions
To learn more about ZincNyx technology visit

About MGX Minerals
MGX Minerals is a diversified Canadian resource company with interests in advanced material and energy assets throughout North America. Learn more at

Contact Information
Jared Lazerson
President and CEO
Telephone: 1.604.681.7735
Web: ... here for full copy from source


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Lithium holdings of MGX Minerals Inc.


Even though many companies are approaching MGX about solution, MGX Minerals is also amassing a host of lithium projects from which to build an empire around on its own.


Below is a portfolio summary:


Project Location Stage
Paradox Basin Utah Well Testing
Sturgeon Lake Alberta Well Testing
Lisbon Valley Utah Exploration
Fox Creek/Fox Creek West Alberta Exploration
FBV/Stettler Alberta Exploraiton
Stettler/Erskine Alberta Exploraiton
Wimborne Alberta Exploration
Haynes/Erskine Alberta Exploration
Homeglen Rimbey Alberta Exploration
Bonny Glen Alberta Exploration
Leduc Alberta Exploration
Redwater Alberta Exploration
Buck Lake Alberta Exploration
Swan Hills Alberta Exploration
Lower Smoky River Alberta Exploration
Lesser Slave Lake Alberta Exploration
Utikuma Lake Alberta Exploration
Upper Smoky River Alberta Exploration
Pouce Coupe Alberta Exploration
Sand Lake Alberta Exploration
Clear Lake Alberta Exploration
Nipisi Alberta Exploration

See MGX Minerals website for more details on the above listed individual projects.


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Details of recent Company update surrounding brines in Paradox Basin, Utah:


The first large scale integrated petroleum and lithium exploration project in the United States.


Excerpt of July 5, 2018 news

MGX Minerals Files Application to Complete 3D Seismic Survey at Utah Petrolithium Project here for full copy from source



Excerpt of April 23, 2018 news

MGX Minerals Completes Paleontology Survey at Paradox Basin, Utah Petrolithium Project; Archaeological Study Nearing Completion


VANCOUVER, B.C., April 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc.(“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTC:MGXMF) is pleased to provide an update on the Company’s Paradox Basin Petrolithium Project (the “Project”). The Project includes the 80,380-acre Blueberry Unit, a recently unitized Federal Oil and Gas Unit created as part of the Project.

After approximately two months of fieldwork crews have completed Paleontology Surveying and are nearing completion of the Archeological Survey. To date all locations have been surveyed out with a total of 163 new sites located along with 12 sites that need redocumenting. Documentation recording for the survey will begin this week and take approximately one week to complete. Pending Bureau of Land Management approval, a Seismic Survey at the Paradox Project is scheduled to commence in early August.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


The 110,000 acre Paradox Project represents the first large scale integrated petroleum and lithium exploration project in the United States and is located proximate to the Lisbon Valley oilfield within the Paradox Basin, which has shown historical brine content as high as 730 ppm lithium (Superior Oil 88-21P).

The Project is being simultaneously explored for oil, gas, lithium and other brine minerals as part of the Company’s North and South American exploration, testing and analyses strategy to determine locations for deployment of the Company’s lithium and mineral extraction technology inclusive of Petrolithium, geothermal, and other lithium brine feedstock sources. MGX controls over two million acres of lithium mineral claims throughout North America.


Blueberry Unit
MGX is currently earning a 75% working interest in the Project, with the remaining interest primarily controlled by a private Utah corporation (the “Paradox Partner”). The Paradox Partner has been engaged by MGX as subcontracted operator of the Project. The Project is host to National Instrument (N.I) 51-101 estimated prospective resources (the “Estimate”) consisting of leasehold and royalty interests in San Juan County, Utah and Miguel County, Colorado. The estimate was prepared by the Ryder Scott Company, L.P. (“Ryder Scott”), an independent qualified reserves evaluator within the meaning of N.I. 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities (“NI 51-101”), with an effective date of June 30, 2017. The Estimate was prepared in accordance with N.I. 51-101 and the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation.


Estimated Gross Volumes
Unrisked Prospective (Recoverable) Hydrocarbon Resources
Leasehold Interest in San Juan County, Utah and San Miguel County, Colorado of
As of June 30,2017












Paradox Clastics

























































































































































(Cane Creek)
























*COC – Chance of Commerciality = Chance of Discovery * Chance of Development here for full copy from source


Excerpt of January 2, 2018 news

MGX Minerals Advances 110,000 Acre Petrolithium Project Paradox Basin, Utah


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, January 2, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc.(“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) is pleased to announce that the site survey, in preparation for 3D seismic geophysics, at the Company’s Paradox Basin Petrolithium Project, has been completed. The site survey covers the Company’s Blueberry Unit within its Utah Petrolithium portfolio (the “Project”). The survey includes approximately 9,000 source points. The purpose of the geophysical survey is to outline subsurface geological formations and structures favorable for accumulations of oil and gas as well as lithium brine bearing formations.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

News release Fig. 1 (above) Blueberry Unit Map.

The Blueberry Unit consists of 80,380 acres of unitized Federal, State and Private lands. MGX controls the overwhelming majority of mineral claims within the Blueberry Unit inclusive of lithium and other brine minerals. The Blueberry Unit is part of the Company’s Paradox Basin land holding and joint venture portfolio. The Blueberry Unit (oil, gas and lithium) and Lisbon Valley Claims (lithium) consist of over 110,000 acres of oil and gas leases and approximately 118,000 acres of largely overlying and contiguous mineral claims. Brine content within the Lisbon Valley oilfield have been historically reported as high as 730 ppm lithium (Superior Oil 88-21P). 

The Project is being simultaneously explored for oil, gas, lithium and other brine minerals as part of the Company’s North and South Americas exploration, testing and analyses strategy to determine locations for deployment of the Company’s lithium and mineral extraction technology inclusive of Petrolithium, geothermal, and other lithium brine feedstock sources.  MGX controls over two million acres of lithium mineral claims throughout North America.

Lisbon Valley and Paradox Basin Geology
The Lisbon Valley oilfield has approximately 140 wells. According to production statistics, as reported by the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Oil, Gas and Mining Division, cumulative lifetime production within the Lisbon Valley oilfield has totaled 51.4 million barrels of oil as of June 2017 (“Oil Production by Field, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil, Gas and Mining”; June 2017; Click Here). The Paradox Basin has been noted by the USGS as having one of the largest undeveloped oil and gas fields in the United States (“Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources in the Paradox Basin Province…”; USGS; 2011; Click Here).

Blueberry Unit
MGX is currently earning a 75% working interest in the Project, with the remaining interest primarily controlled by a private Utah corporation (the “Paradox Partner”). The Paradox Partner has been engaged by MGX as subcontracted operator of the Project.  The Project is host to National Instrument (N.I) 51-101 estimated prospective resources (the “Estimate”) consisting of leasehold and royalty interests in San Juan County, Utah and Miguel County. Colorado. The estimate was prepared by the Ryder Scott Company, L.P. (“Ryder Scott”), an independent qualified reserves evaluator within the meaning of N.I. 51-101 -  Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities (“NI 51-101”), with an effective date of June 30, 2017. The Estimate was prepared in accordance with N.I. 51-101 and the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook here for full copy from source


Excerpt of December 15, 2017 news

MGX Minerals Advances 110,000 Acre Petrolithium Project Paradox Basin, Utah


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, December 15, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc.(“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) is pleased to report that the initial ground survey is nearing completion in preparation for a detailed 3D seismic survey of its Utah Petrolithium project (the “Project”). The survey of the Project includes approximately 9,000 source points. This model will outline subsurface geological formations and structures favorable for accumulations of oil and gas as well as lithium brine bearing formations.

The Project is located next to the Lisbon Valley oilfield located within the Paradox Basin, Utah which has shown historical brine content as high as 730 ppm lithium (Superior Oil 88-21P) and past production of oil exceeding 50 million barrels. The Company’s cumulative Project land position comprises over 110,000 acres of oil and gas leases and 118,000 acres of largely overlying mineral claims, including 80,380 acres of unitized Federal, State and Private lands within the Blueberry Unit (“Blueberry”) where MGX controls the overwhelming majority of mineral claims.  This represents the first large scale integrated petroleum and lithium project ever developed in the United States.

NFLi-5 Rapid Lithium Extraction System
MGX and engineering partner PurLucid Treatment Systems (“PurLucid”) are nearing completion of the first commercial scale rapid lithium extraction plant and are currently in flow and pressure testing.  MGX expects delivery and deployment in January 2018 (see press release dated December 6, 2017). This system is capable of processing up to 750 barrels per day (120 cubic meters) and serves as the commercial platform for the first 7500 barrels per day (1200 cubic meters) now in fabrication. This technology has been extensively tested in pilot plant phase since July 2017 on all types of lithium bearing brine throughout the Company’s extensive project portfolio including high hydrocarbon evaporator blowdown (EBD) wastewater from SAGD oilsands production, traditional oil and gas wastewater, traditional lithium brine, and high magnesium wastewater concentrate from mine tailings among other sources throughout North America. As MGX’s Paradox Petrolithium project advances, systems will be deployed for hydrocarbon separation and mineral extraction. The Project relies heavily on MGX-PurLucid patented and patent-pending water handling and rapid lithium extraction technology capable of processing complex brines in conjunction with oil and gas development that produces a clean water by-product aimed at mitigating water handling and disposal cost and providing an innovative clean water solution to the oil and gas industry. It has been suggested that Paradox Basin unconventional oil and gas development has been hindered by high total dissolved solids and water handling challenges and costs.1 

Integrated Petrolithium Engineering
Initial engineering studies have been completed by SigmaCubed of Denver, Colorado modelling of simultaneous (brine / oil and gas) production scenarios aimed at drawing brine and oil from a single well. Reservoir simulations were run for the different scenarios to determine the sensitivity of the results to the input assumptions. There are three main variables – lateral horizontal length (feet), net reservoir height (feet) and permeability (millidarcies). A base case was run for a vertical well. Production rates (BWPD) were then calculated for different combinations of these three variables. For the purposes of this study, a 1,500-psi pressure differential drawdown at the perforation interval was assumed. A pressure drawdown across perforations can be achieved by various different production methods (i.e. rod pump, gas lift, hydraulic pump, jet pump, etc.). The study found that it did not matter how the pressure differential is achieved, reservoir conditions will ultimately determine production volumes. Also, for the purposes of this study, the tubing size was limited to one case (2 7/8” O.D.) primarily because the 2 7/8” tubing x 5 1/2” production casing configuration is one of the most common wellbore configurations utilized by the petroleum industry. Upon reviewing the results of this study, it become increasingly apparent of the multitude of variable combinations resulting from the study of just one tubing size. The results of this study can be ratioed up or down to obtain relative production volumes for 2 3/8” or 3 1/2” tubing strings. 

Produced water density, oil API gravity and water oil ratios were found to have negligible effects on total production volumes. The biggest effect these variables had would be in the fluctuation of the producing fluid level in the wellbore. For the purposes of this study, a full column of 100% petroleum brine water weighing 11.0 ppg was assumed.

Type of Wellbore Production Rate (BWPD) Ratio Increase
Vertical 1,064 -
1,500' lateral 3,673 3.5
3,000' lateral 5,211 4.9
5,000' lateral 6,858 6.4


10 md permeability
55’ net h
7,000’ TVD
2 ⅞” tubing to 7,000’ TVD MD
4 ½” liner in lateral 7,000’ to TD
1,500 psig pressure differential
Drawdown across perforations

Additional engineering work will focus on the effect of large diameter casing and related costs on a per barrel basis starting with 7 ½” and consideration of techniques and scale currently utilized in geothermal brine wells.

Lisbon Valley and Paradox Basin Geology
The Lisbon Valley Field has approximately 140 wells. According to production statistics, as reported by the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Oil, Gas and Mining Division, cumulative lifetime production within the Lisbon Valley oilfield has totaled 51.4 million barrels of oil as of June 2017 (“Oil Production by Field, Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil, Gas and Mining”; June 2017; Click Here). The Paradox Basin has been noted by the USGS as having one of the largest undeveloped oil and gas fields in the United States (“Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources in the Paradox Basin Province…”; USGS; 2011; Click Here). MGX is currently earning a 75% working interest in the Project, with the remaining interest primarily controlled by a private Utah corporation (the “Paradox Partner”). The Paradox Partner has been engaged by MGX as subcontracted operator of the Project (see press release dated March 23, 2017).

The Project is host to National Instrument (N.I) 51-101 estimated prospective resources (the “Estimate”) consisting of leasehold and royalty interests in San Juan County, Utah and Miguel County. Colorado. The estimate was prepared by the Ryder Scott Company, L.P. (“Ryder Scott”), an independent qualified reserves evaluator within the meaning of N.I. 51-101 -  Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities (“NI 51-101”), with an effective date of June 30, 2017. The Estimate was prepared in accordance with N.I. 51-101 and the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook.

Estimated Gross Volumes
Unrisked Prospective (Recoverable) Hydrocarbon Resources
Leasehold Interest in San Juan County, Utah and San Miguel County, Colorado of
As of June 30,2017
Paradox Clastics
CB2 41.799 59.498 85.324 33.441 47.602 68.266 0.075
CB3 41.915 60.641 85.833 33.536 48.517 68.671 0.075
CB4 12.766 18.745 26.692 10.213 14.781 21.355 0.075
CB5 33.185 48.065 68.841 26.548 38.453 55.074 0.075
CB6 6.603 9.607 13.874 5.283 7.686 11.100 0.045
CB7 1.892 2.735 3.948 1.514 2.188 3.158 0.032
CB8 19.108 27.525 39.079 15.287 22.022 31.264 0.068
CB9 11.452 16.671 23.711 9.162 13.337 18.970 0.068
CB10 14.565 21.169 30.088 11.652 16.936 24.073 0.068
CB11 2.021 2.929 4.244 1.617 2.344 3.396 0.032
CB12 9.352 13.609 19.525 7.482 10.887 15.620 0.045
CB13 9.333 13.158 19.297 7.468 10.815 15.438 0.045
CB14 3.195 4.621 6.634 2.556 3.697 5.308 0.045
CB15 6.455 9.432 13.633 5.164 7.546 10.908 0.045
CB16 2.752 3.987 5.768 2.202 3.190 4.615 0.045
CB17 3.770 5.390 7.835 3.016 4.313 6.269 0.040
CB18 4.673 6.728 9.572 3.739 5.383 7.658 0.045
CB19 16.690 24.226 34.542 13.358 19.381 27.636 0.068
CB20 2.931 4.253 6.118 2.435 3.402 4.895 0.040
(Cane Creek)
35.336 51.338 73.971 28.272 41.073 59.177 0.097
CB22 5.635 8.261 11.957 4.508 6.609 9.566 0.045
Leadville 1.000 2.100 4.000 153.000 231.700 341.600 0.066

*COC – Chance of Commerciality = Chance of Discovery * Chance of Development... here for full copy from source


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Kootenay and Wonah Silicon Projects, Canal Flats, BC, Canada


Most recent related news:

• May 24, 2018 "MGX Minerals Provides Update on B.C. Silicon Project Portfolio; Drilling and Metallurgical Programs Planned for 2018".


These silicon assets fit well with MGX Minerals Inc.'s expansion into low cost energy mass storage systems (see related December 18, 2017 news release "MGX Minerals Commences Exploration and Permitting at Kootenay and Wonah Silicon Projects; Metallurgy Process Design for Testing of Solar Grade Silicon Applicability Completed").



MGX Minerals Commences Exploration and Permitting at Kootenay and Wonah Silicon Projects; Metallurgy Process Design for Testing of Solar Grade Silicon Applicability Completed

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc.(“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (OTCQB:MGXMF) (FKT:1MG) is pleased to announce development activity has commenced at its Kootenay and Wonah Silicon Projects located near Canal Flats, British Columbia. Exploration design and permitting activities have commenced. Archaeological assessment (AOA) and environmental assessment are expected to commence shortly. Infrastructure evaluation is currently underway including assessment of the bulk commodity load out facility at Canal Flats, inclusive of ten railcar siding, previously used for gypsum loading. High grade silica is the feedstock used in industrial silicon metal and solar silicon metal applications.

Energy Applications
To further the Company’s expansion into low cost energy mass storage systems, following the acquisition of ZincNyx Energy Solutions (see press release, December. 13, 2017), MGX has prioritized evaluation and development of its silicon projects for silicon metal potential. One of the primary uses of silicon metal is in solar panels. Solar panels are a cornerstone to remote and distributed energy solutions. Solar, combined with a mass storage system such as that currently under development by ZincNyx, serves to replace or augment diesel generators, as well as having broad applications in energy storage for residential and commercial grid load balancing and backup, and in providing primary and backup power for industrial sites, telecommunications, large scale computer server arrays and military bases. Additional information on the integration of solar with ZincNyx energy storage systems is available by video and at

Metallurgy Test Design 
A metallurgy program has been designed to test for suitability of upgrading to silicon metal and solar grade silicon. A bulk sample requirement of two tonnes has been requested by the evaluation laboratory. The evaluation laboratory is qualified to complete process and plant design should the silica be found suitable for upgrading to silicon metal.

Wonah Silicon
The main target includes the ridge where steeply dipping Ordovician age quartzite is exposed over a strike length of approximately 850 meters. Geological mapping, geochemical sampling, and surveying identified a series of white quartzite outcroppings (Wonah Quartzite Formation) that form 2 lenses, the ‘Central Zone’ that has been traced for approximately 500 m, and South Zone traced for 350 m along strike. The Central and South Zones consist of a highly competent quartzite unit that trends N to NNE, is approximately 50 meters in width, and has a steep east dip. There is an ESE trending fault between the Central and South Quartzite Zones that has an approximate 200 m sinstral, horizontal displacement.  A total of 11 rock chip quartzite samples were taken from the Central & South Zones by MGX VP Exploration Andris Kikauka (P. Geo.) shortly after acquisition in 2015. Rock chip samples were analyzed by ALS Minerals, North Vancouver, BC, using Li Borate fusion, whole rock analysis ME-XRF-06 (XRF26), results of significant elements are summarized by percentage as follows:

Sample ID
































































































Kootenay Silicon
The property was previously drilled by COMINCO with a total of 477.16 meters of NQ core with 8 holes drilled from 7 different locations in 1981. The Kootenay property consists of a total area of 165.7 hectares (409.4 acres). Fieldwork was performed in 2015, shortly after the acquisition of the property by MGX Minerals, by VP of Exploration Andris Kikauka (P. Geo.) which consisted of geochemical sampling and geological mapping. Geochemical sampling was carried out on exposed surface bedrock located in close proximity to historic diamond drilling performed by Cominco. A total of 8 rock chip samples were collected from surface outcrop near previous drilling, and rock chip samples were analyzed by ALS Minerals, North Vancouver, BC, using Li Borate fusion, whole rock analysis ME-XRF-06 (XRF26).  Highlights of significant results from Koot North, Middle and South Zones are listed by percentage:

Sample ID








































































Exploration and Development Plan
Both properties are located near infrastructure and centralized loadout facility. The Company is prepared for immediate 10-hole drill program at each property followed by small bulk sample for metallurgical testing.  Upon completion of suitable metallurgy infill drilling is planned for the purpose of generating a NI 43-101 Resource Estimate. The properties are generally suited for quarry type operation.  Development strategy is largely dependent on the outcome of metallurgy. Evaluation of potential strategic partnerships within the silicon metal and solar sectors is underway which would play a significant role in development plan should silica be found suitable for the targeted applications in the silicon metal industry.

Qualified Person
The technical portions of this press release were prepared and reviewed by Andris Kikauka (P. Geo.), Vice President of Exploration for MGX Minerals. Mr. Kikauka is a non-independent Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument (N.I.) 43-101 Standards.

MGX may decide to advance its silicon projects into production without first establishing mineral resources supported by an independent technical report or completing a feasibility study. A production decision without the benefit of a technical report independently establishing mineral resources or reserves and any feasibility study demonstrating economic and technical viability creates increased uncertainty and heightens economic and technical risks of failure. Historically, such projects have a much higher risk of economic or technical failure. ...

... click here for full copy from source

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3) Driftwood Creek Magnesium Project, in Invermere, BC, Canada (100% owned)


On March 6, 2018 MGX Minerals released a PEA on its Driftwood project, displaying the Driftwood’s ability to become a high-margin, low-cost producer of magnesium oxide in a politically secure jurisdiction.


Recent headline from MGX regarding Driftwood Project:


• July 18, 2018 "MGX Minerals Announces Completion of Geotechnical Drilling at Driftwood Creek Magnesium; Reports 87 Meters of 41.3% Magnesium Oxide".


• July 9, 2018 "MGX Minerals Provides Driftwood Creek Magnesium Update; Engages Hatch Ltd. for Pre-Feasibility Study Analysis and Reports Regional Exploration Results".


• March 15, 2018 "MGX Minerals Engages Hatch Ltd. for Magnesium Metal Study at Driftwood Creek, British Columbia".


Excerpt of March 6, 2018 news release:


MGX Minerals Announces Positive PEA for Driftwood Creek Magnesium; Pre-Tax NPV of C$529.8 Million and 24.5% IRR


VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGX Minerals Inc.(“MGX” or the “Company”) (CSE:XMG) (FKT:1MG) (OTC:MGXMF) is pleased to report results of an independent technical report prepared in accordance with CIM guidelines and National Instrument 43-101 definition of a Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") on its Driftwood Creek Magnesium Project (“Driftwood Creek” or the “Project”).

The PEA study was prepared by AKF Mining Services Inc. (AKF), Tuun Consulting Inc. (Tuun), Samuel Engineering Inc. (Samuel), and will be filed on the Company’s SEDAR profile at as well as available on the Company’s website at www.mgxminerals.comwithin 45 days.


The PEA presumes a conventional quarry pit operation with a process plant and a furnace/kiln combination to produce a saleable Dead burn magnesium oxide (DBM) product. The plant will also have the ability to produce Caustic-calcined magnesium oxide (CCM) as a separate salable product. All dollar amounts in this release are stated in Canadian currency.


Highlights of the PEA include the following:


  • Pre-tax NPV@5% of $529.8 million, IRR of 24.5% with a 3.5-year payback

  • Post-tax NPV@5% of $316.7million, IRR of 19.3% with a 4.0-year payback

  • Initial capital costs of $235.9 million (Total life-of mine ("LOM") - $239.8 includes sustaining/closure costs of $3.9 million and contingency costs of $40.0 million)

  • Conventional quarry pit mine with a 1200 tonne per day ("tpd") process plant using conventional crushing, grinding, flotation upgrading, calcination, and sintering to produce a saleable DBM product

  • Cash costs of $350/tonne MgO

  • All-in sustaining costs ("AISC") of $351/tonne MgO

  • Average annual MgO production of 169,700 tonnes during an 19 year mine life

  • LOM average head grades of 43.27% MgO

  • LOM MgO recoveries of 90%

  • LOM strip ratio of 2.4 to 1 of rock to mineralized material


The reader is advised that the preliminary economic assessment summarized in this press release is only intended to provide an initial, high-level review of the project. The PEA mine plan and economic model include the use of inferred mineral resources which are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves and there is no certainty that the preliminary economic assessment will be realized.

We are extremely pleased with results of the PEA, which display Driftwood’s ability to become a high-margin, low-cost producer of magnesium oxide in a politically secure jurisdiction,” stated MGX President and CEO Jared Lazerson. “We believe this significant milestone outlines a clear path forward and provides numerous opportunities to further enhance the economics of the Project with a pre-feasibility study.


Summary of Results

Mine Life




Total Resource

M tonnes


Total Waste

M tonnes


Total Capitalized Waste

M tonnes


Total Mined

M tonnes


Strip Ratio



Mining Rate



Plant Throughput



Pre-Strip/Capitalized Waste

M tonnes


Average Head Grades



























Payable Metal




LOM k tonne


k tonne/yr



Pre-Tax Cash Flow during Production




Avg Pre-Tax Cash Flow per Year










Post-Tax Cash Flow during Production




Avg Post-Tax Cash Flow per Year









Discount Rate




Pre-Tax NPV ($M)




Pre-Tax IRR




Pre-Tax Payback (Yrs)




Post-Tax NPV ($M)




Post-Tax IRR




Post-Tax Payback (Yrs)









MgO Cash Cost (CAD $/tonne)




MgO Cash Cost incl. Sustaining Capital (CAD $/tonne)



The PEA mine plan and economic model include the use of inferred resources which are considered to be too speculative to be used in an economic analysis except as permitted by NI 43-101 for use in PEA's. There is no guarantee that inferred resources can be converted to indicated or measured resources and, as such, there is no guarantee that the project economics described herein will be achieved. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.


Capital Cost

Pre-Production ($M)

Sustaining/Closure ($M)





EA, Permitting, Basic Engineering





Capitalized Stripping - Waste





Capitalized Stripping - Organics





Mine Site & Development





Plant Site (Cranbrook, BC Property)






Process Plant






MgO Calcination

























Owners Costs



















Total Capital Costs





Operating Costs Summary








$/t Processed









Transport from Mine to Plant 




Processing + G&A











‡Mining Cost is based on $8.82/t mined

Project Description

The Driftwood Creek Project is located in the southern British Columbia (BC), Canada. The mine site property is located approximately 210 km northwest of Cranbrook, BC. Infrastructure currently exists in the form of paved highways and forest service roads, a CPR spur line (at Brisco, BC), and a major power line within 15 km of the property. The plant will be located in Cranbrook, BC, where all mineralize run-of-mine (ROM) material will be hauled and processed.


Mining is via conventional quarry pit methods. Mining will be contracted so no capital is included for mining equipment; instead a contractor mining quote was used as the basis for mining costs. Mining costs were calculated from first principles based on equipment required and include pit and dump operations, supervision and technical services, and fuel costs.


Processing will be a conventional crushing, grinding, flotation upgrading, calcination, and sintering to produce a saleable DBM product.


Transportation of mineralized run-of-mine (ROM) material will be hauled via a 40-tonne highway truck from the mine to plant site located in Cranbrook, BC. No capital is included for highway trucks; instead contractor haul quote was used as the basis for the transportations costs which includes fuel and ROM loading.


Mineral Resource Estimate
The Mineral Resource has been prepared by Tuun Consulting Inc. (Tuun) based upon forty-nine (49) diamond drill holes, the twenty-five percussion (25) blast holes used for the bulk sample, and 45 magnesite surface samples. This resource estimation was completed by Allan Reeves, P. Geo., an independent qualified person as defined in NI 43-101. The effective date of the resource statement is December 31st, 2016.


The resources estimated are considered a reasonable representation of the Driftwood Creek Magnesite Project at the current level of prospecting and sampling. The estimate follows the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (as adopted by CIM Council on May 10th, 2014).


The tonnage and grades of the Driftwood Creek Project mineral resource at a 42.5% MgO cut off are shown in the table below:









































Notes and assumptions:

  1. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.  There is no certainty that all or any part of the mineral resources estimated will be converted into Mineral Reserves.

  2. The Lerchs-Grossman (LG) constrained shell economics used a mining cost of US$8.82/t, processing+ g&a costs of US$106/t, and a commodity price of US$600.00/t 95%MgO DBM.

  3. Mineral resources are reported within the constrained shell, using a cutoff grade of 42.5% MgO (based on a 20-year LOM) to determine “reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction.”

  4. Mineral Resources are reported as undiluted

  5. Mineral Resources were developed in accordance with CIM (2010) guidelines

  6. Tonnages are reported to the nearest kilotonne (kt), and grades are rounded to the nearest two decimal places

  7. Rounding as required by reporting guidelines may result in apparent summation differences between tonnes, grade, and contained metal.
    M&I = Measured and Indicated.

Mine Development and Operations
The proposed project concept is to develop a green-fields DBM deposit with conventional quarry mine with 1200 tonne per day ("tpd") ROM hauled to the plant site, located in Cranbrook, BC.


All mining operations (drill, blast, load and haul) will be done by contractors. Also, the mineralized ROM haul and loading will be completed by contractors.


The PEA forecasts a 19 year mine life and a LOM strip ratio (the ratio of rock to mineralized material) of 2.4 to 1. A total of 7.84 million tonnes of mineralized resource could be mined and processed with 19.174 million tonnes of rock material which includes 60,000 tonnes of capitalized rock.


Metallurgy and Processing
Mineralized material will undergo crushing, grinding, flotation upgrading, calcination, and sintering to produce a saleable dead burned magnesium (DBM) product.  The plant will also have the ability to produce caustic calcined magnesia (CCM) as a separate product.


Mill throughput is designed at 1200 tonnes per day. The plant is expected to achieve an average recovery of 90 percent with a magnesium oxide (MgO) purity of 94.6 percent. The DBM product will be bagged and transported to market for sale as a powder.


Dewatered tails will be trucked back to the mine site quarry for dry stacking in a tailings storage facility.


Environment, Permitting and Corporate Social Responsibility
The project area is not within a known environmental protection area. Formal environmental baseline and social impacts studies have not been initiated but will be required to obtain the environmental permits for future mining operations.


PEA Contributors
The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed by the following Qualified Persons:

Allan Reeves P.Geo., Tuun - Geology and Mineral Resource Estimation

Antonio Loschiavo, P.Eng., AKF – Mining, Infrastructure, Environmental Studies, Permitting, Social & Economics

Matt R. Bender, P.E., Samuel Engineering – Metallurgical and Recovery Methods


The authors of the PEA have approved the disclosure of the scientific or technical information contained in this news release. here for full copy from source

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Although the magnesium project is not the focus of the Company, it is good to know such an asset with solid intrinsic value exists in the Company's name. The disclosed maiden PEA on the Driftwood Project demonstrates that MGX owns a high-grade, world-class magnesium project, which is rare these days not only in North America but on a global scale. In light of only one single magnesium metal producer in the US, and China being responsible for about 80% of world’s supply, North America should be the primary target market for MGX, especially when considering that magnesium metal tariffs between Canada and USA have been dropped a few years ago.



Figure 5 (above) - Driftwood Project bulk sampling program 2016.


Magnesium (Mg) is a multi-purpose light-metal in high demand for today’s modern lifestyle, such as smartphones, automobiles, aircrafts, and other everyday essentials that require magnesium.

Magnesium’s unique characteristics make it 75% lighter than steel and 33% lighter than aluminum while still offering comparable strength-to-weight ratios. Magnesium is the third most used structural metal (behind iron and aluminum) and considered a critical strategic metal by the United States and European Union. China is responsible for approximately 80% of annual worldwide production. US Magnesium is the sole producer of primary magnesium in the US, having used the Great Salt Lake as its resource since 1972.

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) is a widely used industrial mineral with end uses in fertilizer, animal feed, and environmental water treatment as well as industrial applications primarily as a refractory material in the steel industry. The majority of refractory grade MgO used in the US and Canada is imported from China.



Figure 6 (above) - bulk sampling program in 2016.



Figure 7 (above) - MgO outcropping, Driftwood Project.




MGX Minerals Inc.'s Technical Leadership, Management, and Governance  Skip to top

The current management team and board of directors has a well rounded combination of people that each contribute expertise in disciplines necessary for a successful mining entity:


Marc Bruner – Marc Bruner / Chairman of the Board

Mr. Bruner was previously the Chairman and CEO of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. and served as Ultra Petroleum’s founding Chairman where he was involved in developing the Pinedale Anticline in Wyoming, which is now recognized as one of the largest unconventional natural gas fields in the United States. While serving these companies, Mr. Bruner oversaw negotiations and contracts with global oil and gas companies including Halliburton, Exxon Mobil, Questar Gas and Hess Corporation. Previously, Mr. Bruner founded Pennaco Energy Inc. to explore and develop coal bed methane properties in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana. In March 2000, the company was sold to Marathon Oil for US $550 million.


Jared Lazerson – President, CEO and Director

Mr. Lazerson has worked in the mining and technology industries since 1994 with companies including Osprey Systems (GPS and Digital Mapping), United Helicopters, Copper Island Mines and Manto Resources. He holds a BA in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Lazerson has been involved with MGX for 5 years and has seen the market capitalization grow from $2M to over $75M, and has been responsible for all aspects of growth of the Company.


 Michael Reimann (Ph.D) – Michael Reimann (Ph.D) / CFO and Director

Dr. Reimann graduated in Engineering Physics from the Royal Military College of Canada, and obtained a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of British Columbia. He has over 45 years of experience in senior corporate management in both public and private companies. Most recently Mr. Reimann served as CFO of Skana Capital (TSX.V: SKN) and PNG Gold (TSX.V: PNG).


Andris Kikauka (P. Geo) – VP of Exploration and Director

Mr. Kikauka is a geologist with over 30 year of experience. From 1996 to 2012 he was Project Geologist overseeing exploration programs at Goldrea Resources. Mr. Kikauka is Project Geologist for Rio Minerals as well as a director of American Manganese Inc. (TSX.V: AMY), which is focused on mineral properties and commodities used in the steel industry. He holds a B.Sc. in Structural Geology, Mineralogy & Petrology from Brock University.


Lyndon Patrick (LLB) – Director

Mr. Patrick is a Vancouver-based, independently practicing lawyer. He has practiced in British Columbia since 2001 in the areas of litigation and real estate. He holds an LLB from the University of Alberta, and an MA and BA from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Patrick is an independent director of the Company.


H. David Read (MBA)– Director

Mr. Read has been a financial analyst for approximately 40 years. Mr. Read is a former director of Geostar Metals Inc. (TSX.V: GOS) and of Mena Hydrocarbons Inc. (TSX.V: MNH). He holds a BA from University of British Columbia and an MBA from Stanford University. Mr. Read is an independent director of the Company.


Christopher Wolfenberg (LLB) – Director

Mr. Wolfenberg is a Partner with the law firm of Fasken Martineau LLP. Prior to his current position he was a Partner with Norton Rose Fullbright. He provides practical advice to select clients active in the mining, technology and energy sectors and has acted as an officer and director of numerous public, private and non-profit entities. Mr. Wolfenberg holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Ottawa, a Bachelor of Laws from Queen's University and a Master of Laws from Cornell Law School. Mr. Wolfenberg is a member of the Law Society of Alberta.



Note: This article is not intended to be a complete overview of MGX Minerals Inc. or a complete listing of MGX Minerals' projects. Technology MarketWatch urges the reader to contact the subject company and has identified the following sources for information:


For more information contact MGX Minerals Inc.'s head office at: Ph (604).681.7735


Company's web site:   SEDAR Filings: URL



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